old shuckの例文
- The bank at the southern edge of the farm is called Spinney Bank, and is a location notorious for sightings of the mythical'Old Shuck '.
- *Black Shuck Black Shuck, Old Shuck, Old Shock or simply Shuck is the name given to a ghostly black dog which is said to roam the coastline and countryside of East Anglia.
- In 1994, the second phase of the project was initiated, under the direction of Lizette Cabrera Salcedo : the creation of two permanent exhibits, one focused on health and one entitled " Ponce in Puerto Rican Political Life, in addition to a multimedia presentation " Ponce is Ponce . " In 1998, the Ernesto Ramos Antonini auditorium, designed by architect Jos?Berm鷇ez, was inaugurated under the direction of Lizette Cabrera Salcedo, at the location of the old Shuck Gelp?House.